How Do You Lose Weight When You Poop?

Do you lose weight when you poop? If you have lost a significant amount of weight in the past year, chances are your answer is a solid yes. But do you also experience other side effects that are related to losing weight when you poop? You may be surprised to find out what they are.

Obesity is a problem that plagues millions of people around the world. In many cases, it is a genetic condition that has affected one or both of your parents. While this may not have anything to do with your weight loss efforts, it can certainly affect the way your body responds to other changes in the environment. Because your metabolism is not working at its optimal efficiency, your body is forced to use stored fat for energy instead of burning it off. This can lead to serious side effects that may surprise you.

You may also experience severe constipation. While it is true that constipation is the leading cause of weight gain for those suffering from the disorder, you can often mask your symptoms with laxatives. Unfortunately, these can also be very dangerous and even deadly. Not only can they slow your metabolism, but they can also be used in conjunction with other medications that can lead to other more serious side effects.

Bladder control is another one of those surprising side effects. If you have a hard time emptying your bladder on a regular basis, you may have difficulty while you are trying to go. In addition to having a difficult time going, you may also notice that you have to push harder to get the same effect. You may even experience nausea and vomiting as a result of having an uncontrollable bladder, which will definitely add to the pile of side effects that you are dealing with.

When you are trying to lose weight, many people believe that they need to cut out all carbs and sugars. However, it can often be hard to do this without also cutting back on certain foods that may have been staples in your diet. If you are someone who has a sweet tooth, you may find that you are unable to skip desserts. This includes ice cream, sherbet, and sherbet soda. You may also find that you are unable to eat chocolate without experiencing some form of bad side effects, which can range from dizziness to nausea to even severe stomach pains.

One other side effect that you may be dealing with involves the body's ability to digest and absorb certain vitamins and nutrients. If you are trying to lose weight, you will find that your body is not able to effectively absorb the nutrients that you are giving it. This means that you may be at risk for developing malnutrition, which can lead to other serious health problems. malnutrition can also cause the body to retain too much water, which may increase the risk for developing dehydration.

Diarrhea is also something that you may find to be a problem when you are losing weight. Because your body is not getting the nutrients that it needs, it is unable to process and eliminate waste as quickly as it should. This waste can lead to the buildup of toxins, which can lead to the onset of many different types of sicknesses and diseases. You may also find that you are unable to lose weight as effectively as you did when you were consuming regular amounts of food.

If you are dealing with diarrhea and bowel movements that are causing you to question how you lose weight, you may want to consider getting to the bottom of the issue. If you are having more bowel movements than usual, it may be a sign that your body is struggling to process and eliminate waste. You may also want to check with your doctor to ensure that there are not underlying medical problems that are preventing you from throwing up as regularly as you once did. Most often it is simply a matter of lifestyle and by changing your diet and increasing your water intake, you will be able to feel better in no time at all.
