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How many grams of fat per day to lose weight can be answered in two words: fat. The more fat you have the easier it is to put on weight. Fat slows down our body's metabolism so as we add more fat to our diets, we eat less food. You see what happens when you eat less and you eat even less. You lose weight.

If you were to analyze the fat molecule, you would find that it is a complex chemical molecule. A simple walk on the skin of a sheep contains about five hundred fat molecules. Those are quite a lot, do you see?
Fat is not soluble. It must be processed for absorption into the bloodstream. As these fat molecules are churned around in the digestive system, they are shunted from the stomach where they are used for energy and converted into glucose. This is the process by which we obtain glucose to use for energy.
So you must ask: How many grams of fat per day to lose weight is the maximum amount of fat my body can store? The answer to that question will depend on a number of factors. The first is your height and age. Your body weight increases with age and so does the amount of available fat in your cells. If you are underweight or obese your body will store less fat in its various compartments.
Next you need to consider the amount of calories you consume each day. If you are a woman, you probably know that you need to ingest fewer calories than men to lose weight. Women generally burn about twice as many calories through their metabolisms as men do. For this reason, women generally use up more calories throughout the day than men do.
The fourth factor that affects how many grams of fat per day to lose weight is your level of activity. When you are sedentary, your metabolism slows down. It can take years for your metabolism to slow down completely. Once your metabolism slows, all of the fat you have accumulated throughout the day gets turned into "empty" calories.
Finally you need to consider the type of foods you eat. If you eat high-calorie, high sugar content foods, your chances of gaining weight dramatically increase. Conversely, if you eat foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals and protein your chances of losing weight go down significantly.
So in summary, if you want to know how many grams of fat per day to lose weight quickly and effectively you need to learn how to eat smarter. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits and stick with lean proteins such as chicken and fish. Stay away from any type of processed food and forget about white bread and pasta!
You also need to learn how to get rid of the extra fat in your body. The best way to do this is by getting on a proper diet. Try to consume more protein, fewer carbohydrates and increasing your saturated fat intake. This will help you burn more calories than you consume, which will cause your body to begin to burn off extra fat. In addition to helping you lose weight, doing this will also make your body more healthy and less prone to disease. If you can't do this on your own, enlist the help of a personal trainer who can show you the correct way to eat.
If all else fails, there is always the power of supplements. There are so many different types on the market today it can be overwhelming. However, simply pick one that promotes results! As always, talk to your doctor before taking any type of supplement. Never make the mistake of buying a fat burner because it actually increases your chances of heart failure!
Of course, it's not impossible to lose weight. However, without proper nutrition and the right exercise program it can be difficult to keep the weight off. Make sure that you are eating right and doing the right exercises so that you can achieve your goals. As always, consult your doctor before trying any new dietary or exercise routine.
Once again, don't forget that your health is most important. If you follow these tips and do them correctly you can lose weight and keep it off. Now that is definitely something worth striving for! So what are you waiting for? Jump on board the losing weight train and start living the life that you have always dreamed of!
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